55 Customer Service Best Practices

At a recent workshop I delivered and facilitated, we had a brainstroming session to answer some key questions about what constitutes excellent customer service. Here are the results of the brainstorming from the attendees. How can we make it easier for our customers to do business with us?


Keep Your Customers Coming Back

In a recent survey titled, why do people give up on your company? it was noted that 68% quit because of an attitude of indifference toward the client by the owner, manager or employee. This indifference comes about because we tend to forget that to stay employed and succeed in our business or organization we…


Transform Your Culture Using Customer Experience Change Agents

Previously, we had explained the value of incorporating a change agents network as part of your overall change management program. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Paul Hagen from Forrester contacted me to request an interview for his recent research report titled “How Customer Experience Change Agents Transform Culture.”  I provided Paul with firsthand insights from two customer…


An Unshared Vision is Blindness

The business world is a different animal than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and for the most part that’s a very good thing. Corporate social responsibility has become a buzz phrase, and many large companies are rising and falling in relation to the way that they treat both their employees and their customers.…
