When to Send a Top Producer to the Competition

Have you ever heard the phrase, “horizontal turnover”? This is where the jerk stays and the team around him or her leaves.  This happens more than you think, especially in a sales driven culture where top producers are god-like Rock Stars to management. How can it happen?  Easy: They get hired, and once in, their…


45 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Presentation Skills

Every time you deliver a presentation whether it is at a staff meeting, a sales call to persuade clients, a briefing or a formal presentation at a  conference, everything you do and say is being judged. People will makeup their minds about your competence, intelligence, and overall abilities by how well you come across.  Here…


What Brings Your Team Back on Monday?

On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks. -H. Allen Smith   In The 360° Leader, John Maxwell shares a humorous story about a turkey chatting with a bull. “I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I…


Five Ways to Lift Your Leader

Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitudes and in actions. – Harold S. Geneen   In his book the 360° Leader, John Maxwell shares a story about President Harry S. Truman speaking at the National War College. In the speech, Truman said, “You know, it’s easy for the Monday morning quarterback…


Too Many Managers Avoid Problem Performers

A recent survey of over 2000 U.S. employers done for CareerBuilder found that 27 % of bosses had an employee they would like to see leave the organization. This is not surprising but what struck me was the proportion of managers who could see themselves adopting a strategy that avoids the problem entirely or borders…


How Social Media Can Increase Employee Engagement

Managers: What if I told you that you could leverage social media to increase your employee’s engagement and job satisfaction? Do you think I’ve lost my new-media mind?  Let me ask this: Have you ever received an award at a company event (conference, banquet, etc.) and then the next workday, had boundless energy and motivation?…


Is Hierarchical Thinking Inhibiting Performance?

Companies like to think of themselves as having up-to-date thinking. They assume they are of the 21st century ilk because they’ve flattened their hierarchies, removed unnecessary levels of management, and empowered their employees. The truth is that many of them are just as traditional as they’ve always been. They still think about how to manage their…


Embracing a ‘More Beyond’ Attitude

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. – Zig Ziglar   In Valladolid, Spain, where Christopher Columbus died in 1506, stands a monument commemorating the renowned discoverer. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the monument is a statue of a lion destroying one of the Latin words that had been part of Spain’s…


9 Ways to Impress and Influence Your Boss

Many times we forget that bosses are also human. They are affected by the same emotions, concerns and challenges that we all have. By understanding them and realizing they are people too, we can use the same skills to communicate that we use with co-workers, employees, customers or family members. To get along with your…


Performance Requires More than Motivation and Ability

People often think that for employees to perform well all they need are the appropriate ability and skills and the motivation to achieve great results. But there is a missing ingredient: opportunity. So says John Boudreau in a recent issue of Talent Management Magazine (p. 10). He is spot on. You can be well trained…


Four Ways to Lead Through Conflict

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. – William E. Channing   French novelist and playwright Alexandre Dumas once had a heated quarrel with a rising young politician. The argument became so intense that a duel was inevitable. Since both men were superb shots they decided…


Get Rid of Negative Self Talk for Good

The endless assortment of messages, feelings, and attitudes we bring from our past into our present influences how we see ourselves. It also directly impacts our ability to relate to others. While growing up, we learned to judge ourselves and our capabilities based on how others saw us. Whether their judgments were complimentary or condemning…
