Added Value in the 8-Process Scores

This blog covers some of the things that I have learned about the power that is found in the 8-Process Scores when combining the scores in meaningful ways. It involves using a calculator (in brain or electronic) and adding up pairs of scores. We have presented to us the attitudes of E and I (all…


Daily Magic: Learning and the Eight Mental Functions

Magic is about making things happen using mysterious forces.  We all accept that behind the magician’s act are “knowable” steps to repeat the magical moment.  We are actually all using magic on a daily basis.  We can describe and detail how our brain works right down to the molecules of chemistry interacting. However, how and…


If Jung is Right

This weekend a colleague thrust another “personality type is useless” article in front of me. I was asked to explain what was right or wrong in the critique.  I pointed out that the article consistently referred to a narrative about the type tools, which is pretty old. It was developed by a non-psychologist bored housewife. …
