You’ve Got New Mail

It was bound to happen. Despite the Internet implosion in 2000, the online user population continues to grow not just in the U.S., but globally. Once it reached a critical mass, the natural evolution of this growing population was for its members to break into “communities” with common backgrounds, interests, and/or needs. Welcome to web…


What’s Your Database Worth to You?

$948.00 was the annual dollar value of each person in your work email address book according to a recent IBM study published in the Winter Information Systems Conference in February 2009. In other words, this means that every contact in your database has the potential of making you at least $948.00!

What Makes Other People Tick?

Establishing a sense of congruence or similarity with other people is an important element of building rapport. When you understand other people, and are attuned to their needs and desires, they are more likely to feel as though you’re on the same wavelength.

What Are You Passionate About?

I love summer. The sound of singing birds, the early morning sun, and soft, gentle breezes fill me with energy and happiness. As a child I always welcomed summer as that wonderful transition time between graduating from one grade and entering the next; a time to refuel, re-energize, and try new things like camp, a…


Twitter Chatter

Unless you’ve just crawled out from under a rock, you have most likely heard about the new free micro-blogging sensation . Twitter is currently one of the fastest growing social network sites, just behind Facebook and MySpace with over 55 million visitors per month.

Tripling Your Net Worth

Welcome to 2007! I know… you don’t want to read another “Set your goals for the New Year” column. Good, because I don’t want to write about that either. However, I do feel compelled to write about the importance of communicating your value to others to improve your net worth. I’m not talking about financial…


Tis the Season to Connect

Let’s be honest…this time of the year can be very stressful. Shopping, decorating, addressing greeting cards, hosting and attending parties, mailing gifts, studying for school finals, housing out of town family members and winding down your business for 2009 are all stressful activities. The fact that we’re expected to do them all simultaneously forces me…


Tis the Season to Connect

Let’s be honest…this time of the year can be very stressful. Shopping, decorating, addressing greeting cards, hosting and attending parties, mailing gifts, studying for school finals, housing out of town family members and winding down your business for 2006 are all stressful activities. The fact that we’re expected to do them all simultaneously puts me…


Think Serendipity!

Boarding the plane at 6:30 p.m., exhausted after standing for eight hours delivering a training session to government managers in Washington D.C., I was looking forward to a peaceful flight. One of the few benefits for those of us who have to fly to work is that every once in while we get bumped to…


Things Are Looking Up

Things Are Looking Up »
By Sarah Michel, CSP on Mar 7, 2010 in eZine | 2 Comments
When you’re lying flat on your back, all you can do is look up. That is the position I find myself in right now as I’m recovering from a foot surgery to correct a major deformity that has kept me from wearing almost 90% of the fashionable shoes in my closet. I have […]


The Present

What I love most about the holiday season is that I get “present” during the month of December. My business typically slows down between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, which allows me to really focus on “being in the Christmas spirit.” I think it’s the stimulation of all my senses from the brilliant lights, colorful decorations…


The Introvert’s Guide to Pain-Free Networking

Let me start by saying that I am not an extrovert, and yet I’ve built my career on networking. It’s opened doors for me, given me critical advice, and when I became an entrepreneur, developed millions of dollars in business for my company. There’s a common assumption that to be a good networker you need…


The Domino Effect

If you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for dominos. And it makes perfect sense when you look at my passion. You see, when it comes to perfecting your connecting, it’s all about the domino effect. The domino effect refers to a small change that will cause a similar change nearby, which then will cause…


Stop Networking and Start NetWORTHing™

In our new social economy, your networth with your network is the only currency that matters.  In this short video clip, find out how to stop networking and start netWORTHing™ to grow your access and influence with your network to help you do your job faster, better and easier!

Social Capital…How Important Is It?

Think about a recent project, assignment or initiative you worked on over the past month. At some point you probably couldn’t find the information or resource you were looking for in the company knowledge database or on the internet so you picked up the phone, sent an email or got up and physically walked over…
