Reflecting on Connecting

Halloween is a big deal in our house. My youngest daughter’s birthday is October 29, which is always extended for several days. In fact, the celebration – honestly – doesn’t end until the last doorbell has been rung on October 31! She lives for Halloween and starts planning her costume months ahead.

Connecting With Thanks

The other day my 14-year-old daughter had an extra-credit history assignment where she had to interview a veteran. She picked up the phone and called my 83-year-old father who lives in Michigan. He served in the Navy during World War II. My father, who can’t even remember what he had for lunch 10 minutes ago,…


Tis the Season to Connect

Let’s be honest…this time of the year can be very stressful. Shopping, decorating, addressing greeting cards, hosting and attending parties, mailing gifts, studying for school finals, housing out of town family members and winding down your business for 2006 are all stressful activities. The fact that we’re expected to do them all simultaneously puts me…


Tripling Your Net Worth

Welcome to 2007! I know… you don’t want to read another “Set your goals for the New Year” column. Good, because I don’t want to write about that either. However, I do feel compelled to write about the importance of communicating your value to others to improve your net worth. I’m not talking about financial…


The Domino Effect

If you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for dominos. And it makes perfect sense when you look at my passion. You see, when it comes to perfecting your connecting, it’s all about the domino effect. The domino effect refers to a small change that will cause a similar change nearby, which then will cause…


Feed Each Other

I recently had the opportunity to hear author Meg Wheatley speak about her book, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future (Berrett-Koehler, 2002). She reminded me of a very important lesson about the power of community. Senegal, Africa, with a population of 8.5 million, ranks as one of the worst…


What Are You Passionate About?

I love summer. The sound of singing birds, the early morning sun, and soft, gentle breezes fill me with energy and happiness. As a child I always welcomed summer as that wonderful transition time between graduating from one grade and entering the next; a time to refuel, re-energize, and try new things like camp, a…


Be a Better Networker

Her reputation long preceded our introduction. Back in 1993, I was living in San Antonio, Texas, and working in human resources for the largest medical center in the city. That’s when I first heard about Barbara Greene, affectionately known as the “networker from heaven.”

Professionally Connecting

Did you know that membership in a professional association is a huge opportunity to expand your connections and grow your resources? With more than 5,000 professional associations nationwide (many with local chapters in your city), there is really no excuse for not joining an association that represents the voice of your profession.

Lose the Persona and Get Real

Last week I took my 10-year-old daughter to the “Hannah Montana” concert in Denver. If you have not heard of this teen-pop sensation, then you obviously don’t have a child between the ages of 5 to 13 in your life. This 15-year-old girl sold-out Pepsi Center, and continues to pack the house with screaming and…


Six Degrees of Connection

Annual holiday parties are one of my favorite childhood memories. Each December, my family always attended the same annual gatherings. These parties offered a wonderful way to reconnect with childhood friends – who were now in college and suddenly very cute – and to demonstrate to my parents’ acquaintances just how much I had grown…


Networking Speaker

Do you know that the number one reason members attend conferences is to expand and grow their network? An organization recently contacted me seeking a networking expert for their conference. In this competitive environment companies are eager to have their employees develop successful relationships with customers, co-workers, and colleagues.


Are You Sticky?

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to sit in the audience and hear Chip Heath, author of the New York Times bestselling book, Made to Stick and regular columnist for Fast Company magazine speak. Along with his brother and co-author, Dan Heath, the boys have come up with an amazing simple but easy process…


Actions Speak Louder than Words

Did you start off the New Year with any resolutions? If so, can you even remember what they were seven weeks later? It feels so good on New Year’s Day to state them out loud, but when it comes time to do something about our new resolution, it’s not so much fun any more.

You’ve Got New Mail

It was bound to happen. Despite the Internet implosion in 2000, the online user population continues to grow not just in the U.S., but globally. Once it reached a critical mass, the natural evolution of this growing population was for its members to break into “communities” with common backgrounds, interests, and/or needs. Welcome to web…
