Kris Kiler is the President of Leader's Beacon. He is the author of Ready, Aim, Capture!: The Secret to Successful Internet Marketing. Kris has also authored numerous ebooks and special reports including The Role of Talent Development in Employee Engagement (2009), The 6 Keys to Internet Marketing Success, Optimize Your Web Platform: A Small Business Guide to Internet Marketing Automation, and The Patient Experience: A Quick Guide to Reputation Management for Health Care. You can contact Kris Kiler at or connect on LinkedIn. Read more about Kris Kiler

Leading with Talent Development

Using talent management software packages to administer employee performance has suddenly become hugely popular. Within this new-found appreciation of the need to better address the management of human capital is the need to develop the actual talent within that resource pool. According to a recent report titled Human Capital Management: The CFO’s Perspective, sponsored by…

Using Training to Support Employee Engagement Initiatives: 7 Keys for Success

Engaged employees demonstrate three characteristics: commitment, involvement and enthusiasm. Employees become engaged when their employers meet their basic needs, create meaningful opportunities to contribute, foster a sense of belonging, and provide chances to learn and grow.* Employee training is likely to be a key factor in the implementation of any organizational strategy aimed at improving…

The Benefits of Hiring A Business Coach

Small and mid-sized entrepreneurs, upwardly mobile business professionals and large corporations are increasingly using the services of business coaches to accelerate professional growth by helping them understand their strengths and challenges, achieve goals and objectives, a get results far beyond what an individual can accomplish by themselves. In this economy, however, spending money on a…