
Beware of the Nibbler

If you’ve been in sales for any length of time, it’s highly likely that you’ve had a run-in with at least one “nibbler.” No, a nibbler isn’t a person who nibbles on your ear (don’t you wish!); it’s someone who nibbles at the deal you’ve just made. Nibblers are different than hagglers. Hagglers want to…


Negativity Invades Work Environments

When you walked into the office this morning was the general climate a positive or negative one?  It seems that when I speak with my friends and former co-workers that their work environments are increasingly toxic with negativity. Who is responsible for this onslaught of emotional crud?  Is it the leaders in the organization, the…


Leading with Talent Development

Using talent management software packages to administer employee performance has suddenly become hugely popular. Within this new-found appreciation of the need to better address the management of human capital is the need to develop the actual talent within that resource pool. According to a recent report titled Human Capital Management: The CFO’s Perspective, sponsored by…


Delegation: The Forgotten Management Tool

“I never get to the truly managerial parts of my own job.” “I’m staying too late at night and working too many weekends.” “________is really ready to advance but I have no job to promote him/her to right now.” “If I don’t give my best people some new challenges soon, I may lose them.” Sound…