
9 Ways to Impress and Influence Your Boss

Many times we forget that bosses are also human. They are affected by the same emotions, concerns and challenges that we all have. By understanding them and realizing they are people too, we can use the same skills to communicate that we use with co-workers, employees, customers or family members. To get along with your…


Who Am I, Boss or Friend?

This is a huge issue, particularly at the supervisory level and especially when someone is pulled out of the work group and promoted to supervisor. It becomes confusing for all concerned, the new boss and the staff. How to act? What to expect from one another? Can we still be friends? How to set new…


Misdirected by metrics?

You’ve likely heard the expression, “What get’s measured, gets managed.” And yet, if you pay attention to the wrong metrics or measurements, it can distract both management and employees from desired behaviors. Metrics provide management with the key information needed to make decisions and assess performance in the business. Paying attention to the wrong metrics or…