8 Ways to Handle Bullies at Work

Bullies play out their cruel games everywhere. No matter their size, shape, age, or where you find them, bullies are masters of manipulation. To gain control, they deliberately intimidate others and knowingly abuse their rights. They’re not interested in getting along, cooperating, or creating win-win situations; they just want to control, win and rule. Bullies…


7 Ways to Pinpoint and Overcome Any Problem

“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem” When a problem arises, what exactly is causing it? Sometimes, it’s obvious. At other times, something is undeniably in the air and the atmosphere is heating up, creating tension and short fuses, yet you’re…


7 Ways to Handle Difficult Conversations

In my keynotes and workshops on “Getting Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere”, one of the questions that ultimately comes up is, “how do I tell someone about a character or behavioral flaw in their personality?” If you work with customers or have co-workers, are a manager, coach, or care about your friends, there will come…


7 Ways to Build Stronger Teams

During a recent teambuilding and communication workshop I delivered one of my clients stated, “50% of all our obstacles to success center around team dynamics.” In other words you can have the best plans, strategies and initiatives, however if everyone is not team oriented, working well together and getting along, it will be difficult at…


7 Ways to Boost Team Performance

During a recent teambuilding and communication workshop I delivered one of my clients stated, “50% of all our obstacles to success center around team dynamics. Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In other words you can have the best plans, strategies and initiatives, however if everyone is not team oriented, working well together and getting along,…


55 Customer Service Best Practices

At a recent workshop I delivered and facilitated, we had a brainstroming session to answer some key questions about what constitutes excellent customer service. Here are the results of the brainstorming from the attendees. How can we make it easier for our customers to do business with us?


50 Ways to Creating Enduring Connections

Wouldn’t you agree that life is about quality connections? Our success, happiness, and well-being are largely the by products of our ability to get along well with others and cultivate positive relationships. Below is a checklist of the active ingredients in creating enduring connections. These are from the book, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere…


50 Key Ingredients to Enduring Connections

In my workshops and training sessions over the last 20+ years on improving customer and workplace relationships  I have found that there are 50 key ingredients that play a major factor in everything from employee engagement, leadership and  team building to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and sales. To establish excellent customer and workplace relationships and…


5 Ways You May Be Killing Employee Morale

Everything rises and falls on leadership. – John Maxwell Addressing the topic of work many years ago, Indira Gandhi said, “My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there…


5 Ways to Eliminate Misunderstandings

Assume the Next Message You Send Will Be Misunderstood There are over 600 or more words in the English language with 10 or more meanings. In addition, our body language and tone of voice can also be percieved in many ways. To make sure that people don’t misundertand us and they walk away with the…
