Setting Company Culture means Understanding Employee Motivation

People in the business community love their clichés. “There’s no ‘I’ in team,” “work smarter, not harder,” and my personal favorite, “think outside the box”. Ugh. When it comes to describing a workplace culture, clichés are abundant here as well. With our open-door policies and expectations of giving 150% (how is this even possible?). These general statements…


Setting Price Expectations

No one likes sticker shock, not you and certainly not your prospect. The last thing you want when you mention your final price is for the prospect to gasp, clutch his heart and keel over. That’s why it’s wise to prepare your prospect for what’s to come in terms of the financial investment he will…


Shall We Meet Again

Summer is almost here which means if you’re a member of a professional association there is a good chance you will have an opportunity to attend your annual convention or conference in the near future. Even companies who cancelled their annual meetings last year due to the poor economy are back on track this year…


Shaping the Future of Leadership

Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change – Thomas Hardy In a recent USA Today feature ( leaders from various walks of life shared their insights as to what they believe world will look like in 30 years. It was a fascinating read. Here are a few highlights. Bill…


Should you manage like Steve Jobs?

Reading about Steve Jobs’ management style is like reading about exactly how you are not supposed to manage people. He openly and viciously criticized the work of employees and then would take some of those ideas and present them as his own. When he couldn’t persuade or seduce someone into doing what he wanted he…


Sitting Is The New Smoking

The above image is taken from a great infographic on Techcrunch. It’s message is simple: The more you sit, the worse you’ll feel.  Recent studies suggest that of all of our bad contemporary habits, sitting all day is a killer.  With the rise of the information age, more of us earn a living sitting down,…


Six Degrees of Connection

Annual holiday parties are one of my favorite childhood memories. Each December, my family always attended the same annual gatherings. These parties offered a wonderful way to reconnect with childhood friends – who were now in college and suddenly very cute – and to demonstrate to my parents’ acquaintances just how much I had grown…


Six Ways To Enhance Organizational Structure

The productivity of a work group seems to depend on how the group members see their own goals in relation to the goals of the organization. – Ken Blanchard When was the last time you took a hard look at the effectiveness of your organizational structure? While most organizations have one, do the people in…


Six Ways to Rise Above Your Critics

To escape criticism- do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. – Elbert Hubbard A story is told of Winston Churchill and his extraordinary integrity in the face of opposition. During his last year in office, he attended an official ceremony. Several rows behind him two gentlemen began whispering. “That’s Winston Churchill. They say he is getting…


Skip Your Email Before You Go To Bed

There’s a new habit in our info-life.  A stop on our way to lala land every night.  Our Inbox. Sometimes, it’s a computer on a desk.  Others, it’s your iPhone by the bedpost. Any device will deliver your email, a constant string of welcome and unwelcome chatter.  And your curiosity kills you, just like a…


Slumbering Powers: Awakening Your Leadership Potential

“Deep within humans dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish them, that they never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize their lives if aroused and put into action.” Orison Marden It’s 9:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Friday, May 18, 2001. I am writing this on an Air Canada plane flying from Toronto to…


So, You Think You’re an Above Average Leader?

I have a couple questions for you – How are your driving skills? How smart are you? How are your people skills? Most likely you answered something to the effect of ‘above average’. And you’re not alone. 93% of Americans believe they have above average driving skills.* 87% of MBA students at Stanford University rated…
