Shall We Meet Again

Summer is almost here which means if you’re a member of a professional association there is a good chance you will have an opportunity to attend your annual convention or conference in the near future. Even companies who cancelled their annual meetings last year due to the poor economy are back on track this year…


Invest in Your NetWORTH™ Now

Summer is almost here which means if you’re a member of a professional association there is a good chance you will have an opportunity to attend your annual convention or conference in the near future.  Even companies who cancelled their annual meetings last year due to the poor economy are back on track this year…


Things Are Looking Up

Things Are Looking Up »
By Sarah Michel, CSP on Mar 7, 2010 in eZine | 2 Comments
When you’re lying flat on your back, all you can do is look up. That is the position I find myself in right now as I’m recovering from a foot surgery to correct a major deformity that has kept me from wearing almost 90% of the fashionable shoes in my closet. I have […]


I Haven’t Blogged About Dan Pink Lately

For those who haven’t been keeping up on recent business and management books, Daniel Pink came out with an absolutely great book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. I mentioned it briefly in a blog post last Fall before it came out. Then, in February, I wrote a book review of it. Now, here’s…


True Leaders Leave a Huge Hole

I was struck by a local news item in The Washington Post on Brian Betts, a model middle school principal, who was found gunned down in his home. While the story obviously includes the murder aspect, I was touched by the leadership angle. Rising to a challenge: Here was a white man who took over…


Assessing Team Communication

You can use the following anonymous survey to assess team communication. Use the following scale to answer each question: A score of 1 means you do not agree with the statement; 4 means you agree with it; a 2 or 3 means your opinion falls somewhere in the middle. Your survey results are confidential. Keep…


Delegation: The Forgotten Management Tool

“I never get to the truly managerial parts of my own job.” “I’m staying too late at night and working too many weekends.” “________is really ready to advance but I have no job to promote him/her to right now.” “If I don’t give my best people some new challenges soon, I may lose them.” Sound…


Tis the Season to Connect

Let’s be honest…this time of the year can be very stressful. Shopping, decorating, addressing greeting cards, hosting and attending parties, mailing gifts, studying for school finals, housing out of town family members and winding down your business for 2009 are all stressful activities. The fact that we’re expected to do them all simultaneously forces me…


Raise Your Gaze: Staying Energized in the Daily Grind

It is mid afternoon. You are sitting at your desk trying to pull together this important proposal for your boss. It is due the day after tomorrow. As you wrestle with how to incorporate a complex spreadsheet from the finance department, you wonder when your quality analyst will bring in those last two key pieces…
