Change Your Words, Change Their Minds

I continue to be amazed by that fundamental truth about living: how we choose to see a situation dictates the choices we–and others–make about it. Take a look at this 2-minute clip that demonstrates it better than any more words I can write. You will be glad you did. How you choose to deliver feedback…


How Well Do You Get Along?

One of the most important keys to success in your personal and professional life will be determined by your ability to get along with others. Below is a quiz I provide to people at my workshops as well as to those I coach. Take the quiz and see how well you do. Also have your…


5 Ways to Eliminate Misunderstandings

Assume the Next Message You Send Will Be Misunderstood There are over 600 or more words in the English language with 10 or more meanings. In addition, our body language and tone of voice can also be percieved in many ways. To make sure that people don’t misundertand us and they walk away with the…


15 Proven Ways to Deal with Difficult People

People are not necessarily difficult but different. In other words if someone sees things different than us we might think they are “difficult.” To deal with these “difficult” people follow these rules: Realize that people who are angry feel justified in their anger -Whether it’s a perception or reality there is “real” reason for their…


Poor listener? Listen up

As you might imagine, as a paid expert on communication and leadership, I get some well earned ribbing at home from my wife Robin because of my poor listening skills as a husband and father. Once I made the comment that she just didn’t pay me as well as my client’s did for me to…


Boost Your Likeability IQ!

Getting people to like you is merely the other side of liking them. -Norman Vincent Peale A big factor in how people judge you in your interactions, meetings, transactions and presentations is based on your likeability or perceived likeability. Theodore Roosevelt stated, “The most important single ingredient in the formula for success is knowing how…


The Introvert’s Guide to Pain-Free Networking

Let me start by saying that I am not an extrovert, and yet I’ve built my career on networking. It’s opened doors for me, given me critical advice, and when I became an entrepreneur, developed millions of dollars in business for my company. There’s a common assumption that to be a good networker you need…


Build Lasting Connections for Fortune and Friendships

Building successful, well-tended relationships is a crucial component for manifesting abundance, whether in the form of fortunes, friendships, family connectedness, or other personal or professional treasures. Getting along skillfully with people colors your world with a vibrant network of connections, enriching your relationships with a never-ending collection of infinite rewards. Cultivating enduring connections requires an…
