Measuring Up to Success

How do you measure up? Are you as good as you could be? Do you even know how good you could be? Here’s a way to find out. Research studies on self?monitoring show that people who monitor what they do often become better at it. I don’t know why it works, but research shows that…


Selling the Sizzle

Remember the old saying, Sell the sizzle, not the steak? Well, it’s still alive and well but not used by many salespeople. Most of them are still trying to only sell the steak. How boring! “Sell the sizzle” is just another way of suggesting you use a bit of showmanship in your selling. Mind you,…


How to Lose the Sale… Before You Get It

It’s a shame but a lot of salespeople are losing sales before they even have a chance to get them. That’s right, they’re reaching into their holsters, pulling out their pistols and shooting themselves in the foot before they even have a chance to talk to the prospect. Slow Off the Mark How? By being…


Why Should I Buy From You?

Here’s one of the great truths of selling — if prospects can’t tell the difference between your product or service and your competitor’s product or service, they’ll make their buying decision on price. Now, this isn’t the only reason for the price objection coming up but it’s a major one. It’s absolutely amazing how many…


Getting the Prospect to Return Your Call

Prospects today are busy, busy, busy and their voice mailboxes are constantly being filled with messages from people they don’t know, people who they don’t want to know, and people who give no reason to call them back. Don’t be one of those people. Avoiding Voice-mail Hell In the past, salespeople had to find a…


Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy

You’re probably sitting there thinking, “Why would I want to be my own worst enemy?” And the answer, of course, is that you certainly don’t want to be. But it happens, and it could happen to you. I’ve seen salespeople with the potential to be top performers fall short because they either didn’t know what…
