Developing Leaders for the Horizon

They say Wayne Gretzky was a step ahead of other players because he skated to where the puck was going to be. Are you developing your up-and-coming leaders for where your markets and your environment are going to be? Will your leaders be prepared for the daunting complexity that’s coming? Or are you preparing them…


Developing Gen Y Leaders

What leadership competencies do newly minted Millenial employees need to develop, from the get go? And what strengths do they, as a cohort, bring to the workplace? We hear so much “gen Y bashing” these days. We hear the stereotypes: unfocused, texting obsessed, ADHD prone, the world owes me recognition and, BTW, I’m pretty well…


Detoxing Your Corporate Culture

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure to meet lots of great people who have survived working in a toxic corporate culture. A toxic company culture takes its toll on individuals and bottom line results. Just like with environmental toxins, some work place toxins get to you quickly, others take more time to cause harm.…


Delegation: The Forgotten Management Tool

“I never get to the truly managerial parts of my own job.” “I’m staying too late at night and working too many weekends.” “________is really ready to advance but I have no job to promote him/her to right now.” “If I don’t give my best people some new challenges soon, I may lose them.” Sound…


Criticism: Behind Closed Doors or in Plain Sight?

Nearly every company revolves around the central idea of team performance.  The synergy created by having multiple personalities and motivations can help any project be completed with efficiency and with quality results.  Naturally, there are some times when things may not go as smoothly as planned.  Indeed, if every effort always resulted in superior results,…


Create Your Connection Zone to Build Lasting Relationships

“The Connection Zone is a dynamic balance of energy in which people honor each other’s needs and enjoy the benefits that flow as a result”. – Sandra Strauss Creating the Connection Zone experience is invaluable for short-term interactions to make enduring impressions (as in customer service), as well as for long-term personal and professional relationships,…


Control the Controllable

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it – Charles R. Swindoll A story is told of two men who lived in a small village who got into a terrible dispute that they could not resolve. So they went to the town sage. The first man went to the…


Connecting With Your Body

Since so many of you liked last month’s blog post (Connect In Before You Connect Out) about the importance of authenticity when connecting, I thought I would go a little deeper on the concept of connecting inward before you connect outward.   There really is truth in the age-old wisdom of treating your body as the…


Connecting With Thanks

The other day my 14-year-old daughter had an extra-credit history assignment where she had to interview a veteran. She picked up the phone and called my 83-year-old father who lives in Michigan. He served in the Navy during World War II. My father, who can’t even remember what he had for lunch 10 minutes ago,…


Connecting With Intentions

Last week I spoke at a conference and witnessed one of the most incredible illustrations of the power of intentions; it was such a powerful connecting tool, I just had to share it with you! Following my presentation, I finished packing up my stuff and walked into the ballroom for the luncheon, which was already…


Connecting With Focus

Happy Anniversary! One year ago this month I launched my first ever ezine column. It has been an amazing year and I truly love writing these monthly messages to inspire you to improve your connections. I have been so blessed by the many notes I’ve received from readers who each month look forward to reading…


Connecting For A Change

Change is one of those funny words. You either love it or loath it. Some people are hardwired for change and embrace it for the new possibilities it brings and others dread it. Like it or not…change has become a way of life for all of us. I find it fascinating how long we put…


Connect In Before You Connect Out

Discovering your value-add offering to your network requires you to take an honest look at who you are, what you value and what your core beliefs are.  It will be impossible for you to be authentic and communicate your value to others is you’re not living your life honestly. Fourteen years ago, I had my…


Connect In Before You Connect Out

One of the things I love the most about traveling around and speaking at conferences and meetings about Perfecting Connecting ® is the conversations I have afterward with audience members.  They often start with, “I really would like to be a better networker and connector but I’m so bad at it!” People have a very…


Conflict and Change Co-exist

When you hear the word conflict, it has negative associations with words like argument, war, battle, and disagreement. In reality, conflict should be embraced as being essential to a healthy organization. The majority of employees (and many supervisors and managers) avoid conflict because of the assumption that conflict is destructive. Conflict is expected and desired…
