Leadership Makes a Difference–at Every Level

In the US Federal Government, as many studies have also shown for private industry, leadership–especially at the senior level–is the primary factor around how employees view their workplace. This comes from the 2010 report on The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government.

Leadership Lessons from Tim Tebow

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. – William Shakespeare Tim Tebow earned my respect back in 2009 when he played his senior year at the University of Florida. When other college athletes with lesser talent opted to enter the NFL draft, Tebow…


Leadership Lessons from the Top 20 Corporations

The respected consulting firm, Hay Group, has just announced the release of its 6th Annual Best Companies for Leadership study. The top 20 are major corporations with a global presence. Collectively, over the last five years, they have generated shareholder returns that are 36 times better than those from the Standard & Poor 500 companies.

Leadership Lessons From The Mat

As a young man, I was drawn to the sport of wrestling. I started at a very young age and practiced through my college life. I have medals and messed up ears to prove it. I liked wrestling because there was a degree of personal accountability unlike any other sport. The wrestling team worked out…


Leadership Lessons from The Lorax

Those of you who read my blog know that the most anticipated day of my son’s life arrived on Friday: the big screen debut of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax! He had been waiting for months for the big event and I am delighted to say he was not disappointed…neither was I. In the aforementioned blog,…


Leadership Lessons from Sheriff Andy Taylor

Barney! You beat everythin’… you know that? – Sheriff Andy Taylor Last week we lost a beloved television icon – Andy Griffith passed at the age of 86. Griffith starred in numerous television shows over the years but is best remembered for his role as the folksy Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry on The Andy…


Leadership Lessons From My Acting Debut

Every person you meet is better at something than you are – Robert A. Cook Last year on a whim I had the opportunity to be an “extra” on the Lifetime TV series Army Wives which is filmed where I live in Charleston, SC. I was excited about this opportunity to make an appearance on…


Leadership Lessons from Jimmy V.

If you were anywhere near La Pera Circle in the 80’s you would have heard the echoing of a ball bouncing. I played basketball for hours in my early years. I didn’t play pick up games nor did I play organized basketball; I just shot for hours…on my own. I would play out games in…


Leadership Lessons from "Undercover Boss"

A good boss makes his men realize that they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could. –  Charles Erwin Wilson “Undercover Boss” has emerged as one of CBS’ top-rated shows on Sunday evenings. As CBS states, “Each week, the show follows a…


Leadership is a Two Way Street

You may remember the quote from Cool Hand Luke, “some men you just can’t reach”.  Being a person of true faith in human connections, this disposition made me feel hopeless. Until I started managing people….. There are people who fit into the category of “uncoachable”. Usually these folks isolate themselves into obscurity and are ushered…


Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life

by Kevin Cashman Berrett-Koehler, 2008 ISBN #978-1-57675-599-0 Reviewed by Ian Cook At the point our body and our senses (eyes, ears, touch, etc.) meet the world lies a crossroads. At this very point we experience a constant, two-way flow from the… Outside in–situations, actions and events in their environment Inside out–how we feel, interpret, process…


Leadership Development: If Not Now; When?

Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better – Bill Bradley In a column for the Harvard Business Review Blog Network, (http://bit.ly/UDGyUE) Jack Zenger unveiled a startling and troubling fact; we wait too long to train leaders. Citing research from his consulting agency he revealed that in their database of some 17,000 worldwide leaders participating…


Leadership And The Troubles That Develop You

Nothing last forever – not even our troubles. – Arnold H. Glasow In Bits & Pieces, a story is shared about Somerset Maugham, the English writer who once wrote a story about a janitor at St. Peter’s Church in London. One day a young vicar discovered that the janitor was illiterate and fired him. Jobless,…


Leadership and the Art of Thinking

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. – General George S. Patton A story is told of a man who bought a new gadget- unassembled, of course, and after reading and rereading the instructions he couldn’t figure out how it went together. Finally, he sought the help of an old handyman who was…
