Social Leadership

Last week I attended’s annual cloud computing conference with 40,000 others. The conference is unconventional in that Sales Professionals, Hackers, Admins and Marketers come together under a common cause. has clarity of organizational purpose which makes sense to a lot of people. Marc Benioff’s vision seems to be to promote collaboration of ideas…


Accelerate Your Growth with a Mastermind Group

Bill George, an author whom I have reviewed and whom I respect, has just come out with a new book, True North Groups. This is a more structured version of the classic “mastermind group” which many of my speaker colleagues have formed or joined. This new publication just reminds me to urge you to form…


Are You a Leader in a Fog?

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success before they gave up. – Thomas A. Edison I was fascinated by a story I read not long ago about Florence Chadwick. In 1952 she attempted to swim the chilly ocean waters between Catalina Island and the California shore.…


12 Most Common Mistakes Presenters Make

There are a number of concerns and challenges presenters face when organizing and delivering presentations. Here are 12 of the most common problems we have seen over the decades in our presentation skills training programs and coaching. Based on the book, Present with Power, Punch and Pizzazz by Arnold Sanow and Henry J. Lescault. Lack…


Step Off the Hamster Wheel and Embrace Creativity

A recent IBM survey asked global CEOs to name the most important leadership quality they needed, but are hard-pressed to find. According to the survey of more than 1,500 CEOs from 60 countries and 33 industries worldwide, chief executives believe creativity is the most vital leadership competency. Yes, you read it correctly. More than rigor,…


Helping or Harping?

When front line supervisors and managers are asked to share some of the characteristics of the best manager or supervisor they had ever worked for,  they will include “supportive” on that list. One participant was even more emphatic – his best boss was focused on “helping” not “harping”. A boss who is constantly critical and…


Create Your Connection Zone to Build Lasting Relationships

“The Connection Zone is a dynamic balance of energy in which people honor each other’s needs and enjoy the benefits that flow as a result”. – Sandra Strauss Creating the Connection Zone experience is invaluable for short-term interactions to make enduring impressions (as in customer service), as well as for long-term personal and professional relationships,…


The Danger of Distance

“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” – Denis Waitley I read with interest not long ago how a person on railroad tracks hears a train approaching, looks behind him, sees the train and then freezes…


Answer the ‘Why?’

I’m sure I used to drive my mom and dad a little crazy as a child because I used to ask “Why?” so often. It turns out that kids aren’t the only ones who want to know why. Employees are more likely to be engaged when they are informed and understand the reason you ask…


To Lead or not To Lead

Our career track can take interesting twists and turns. We walk the tight rope between challenging ourselves and balancing work with life. It certainly isn’t as easy as it used to be. Certain companies reward hard work with opportunity. With each step up the ladder, you gain more responsibility and advanced leadership potential. Things started…


Want to Collaborate? Choose Your Level

We hear so much about collaboration these days. Our work is more complex. The best solutions require input from diverse perspectives. We at Fulcrum Associates have just started working with a fascinating simulation learning event, Friday Night at the ER. In it participants experience the challenge of working in a system where the unit managers…


Can you be too ambitious as a leader?

When I say the word ‘ambitious,’ who is the first person that comes to mind? Is it the political leader who will stop at nothing to win an election? The CEO who aggressively pursues expansion plans, regardless of the economic climate? Maybe it makes you think of your favorite NFL quarterback whose competitiveness kept them…


Leadership: The Ultimate Act of Defiance

In 2006, William Taylor wrote a book called Mavericks at Work. I devoured the book! I loved the concept of rule breakers sticking to their guns to gain authority. This, to me, is the true definition of winning. That you do not need the most gifted players but those with conviction, an uncompromising purpose, the…


The Unlikely Power of Unanimous Disagreement

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” – Albert Einstein In his book, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, Charles Swindoll tells of meeting a man who once served on one of Walt Disney’s original advisory boards. The early days were tough; but that remarkable, creative visionary refused to give up. What…
