Detoxing Your Corporate Culture

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure to meet lots of great people who have survived working in a toxic corporate culture. A toxic company culture takes its toll on individuals and bottom line results. Just like with environmental toxins, some work place toxins get to you quickly, others take more time to cause harm.…


Did You Ever Try to Climb a Lattice?

For at least 40 years we have had the idea of “lattice” organization as an alternative design to the traditional hierarchy which assumes employees all want to climb up the ladder. In lattice organizations (and, beyond W.L. Gore & Associates, there weren’t many of them out there back then), you could go in any direction–up,…


The Maze of our Lives

An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success. – Stephen Covey In his book, Harvest of Humanity, John Seamands tells a story of a German soldier who was wounded and ordered to go to a military…


What Drives Leaders

I recently had the great pleasure of interviewing established business author Dan Pink. One of the questions I asked him was how important Empathy is to Leadership….to which he replied:  It’s hugely important. It’s very hard to lead without being able to see the world through the eyes of those your leading. That’s especially true…


Tap into your Team’s Natural Leadership: Here’s How

Have you ever watched a highly functioning department accomplish a goal or objective?   The secret ingredient I have noticed is that “natural leadership” is encouraged from every team member or participant. Within groups, each participant brings a unique combination of skills, talent or style to the discussion.  Great groups take advantage of this uniqueness.…


Three Leadership Lessons from Derek Jeter

I want to give him a big hug. It’s an absolute wonderful accomplishment. – Yankees great Yogi Berra In case you missed it, Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees reached a milestone this past weekend by becoming only the 28th player in Major League Baseball to have 3,000 hits. He is the first player…


Interesting Things Google Does re Its People

I recently attended a presentation by Shannon Deegan, Google’s Director of People. Now, a lot has been written about this company and how it is up there in the stratosphere of “best places to work,” as decreed by Fortune magazine and others. Not surprisingly, Google received around 2 million resumés last year and filled 5000…


Managing Prima Donnas at Work

Do you have some employees or co-workers who think of themselves as extra special, indispensible and untouchable? Their superior attitude often ticks off the people who work with them. So today we look at the right and wrong way to deal with prima donnas in the workplace. Dealing With Prima Donnas at Work Employees and…


So, You Think You’re an Above Average Leader?

I have a couple questions for you – How are your driving skills? How smart are you? How are your people skills? Most likely you answered something to the effect of ‘above average’. And you’re not alone. 93% of Americans believe they have above average driving skills.* 87% of MBA students at Stanford University rated…


What Brings Your Team Back on Monday?

On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks. – H. Allen Smith In The 360° Leader, John Maxwell shares a humorous story about a turkey chatting with a bull. “I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I…


The Leader as Authentic Actor

Actors on stage and screen are not genuine. They are fakes. They are playing a part, not themselves. Of course, we expect them to do this and, furthermore, we expect them to do it really well, to convince us that they are the character they are playing. But what about a managers who has to…


How Leadership Impacts Profitability

At a gut level we know that leadership is important and necessary. As I think back over the many bosses I worked for, only a small fraction exhibited good leadership skills. And those good bosses… I still think back fondly on how they helped me along my career path. Even the good ones were far…
