Connect In Before You Connect Out

One of the things I love the most about traveling around and speaking at conferences and meetings about Perfecting Connecting ® is the conversations I have afterward with audience members.  They often start with, “I really would like to be a better networker and connector but I’m so bad at it!” People have a very…


Networking For Life

I was so excited about my book recommendation this month, “Never Eat Alone,” and the great connecting strategies that author Keith Ferrazzi openly shares in this truly “must-read” book. And then Hurricane Katrina struck. Since this tragedy more than 10 days ago, I have witnessed the power of effective networking and the healing arms of…


50 Ways to Creating Enduring Connections

Wouldn’t you agree that life is about quality connections? Our success, happiness, and well-being are largely the by products of our ability to get along well with others and cultivate positive relationships. Below is a checklist of the active ingredients in creating enduring connections. These are from the book, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere…


Connecting For A Change

Change is one of those funny words. You either love it or loath it. Some people are hardwired for change and embrace it for the new possibilities it brings and others dread it. Like it or not…change has become a way of life for all of us. I find it fascinating how long we put…


What Makes Other People Tick?

Establishing a sense of congruence or similarity with other people is an important element of building rapport. When you understand other people, and are attuned to their needs and desires, they are more likely to feel as though you’re on the same wavelength.

Are You Connecting with Others?

“There are four ways and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated, perceived and classified by; what we do, how we look; what we say, and how we say it” Dale Carnegie   To make sure you are projecting a positive and connecting image here is a quick…


Shall We Meet Again

Summer is almost here which means if you’re a member of a professional association there is a good chance you will have an opportunity to attend your annual convention or conference in the near future. Even companies who cancelled their annual meetings last year due to the poor economy are back on track this year…


Invest in Your NetWORTH™ Now

Summer is almost here which means if you’re a member of a professional association there is a good chance you will have an opportunity to attend your annual convention or conference in the near future.  Even companies who cancelled their annual meetings last year due to the poor economy are back on track this year…


Things Are Looking Up

Things Are Looking Up »
By Sarah Michel, CSP on Mar 7, 2010 in eZine | 2 Comments
When you’re lying flat on your back, all you can do is look up. That is the position I find myself in right now as I’m recovering from a foot surgery to correct a major deformity that has kept me from wearing almost 90% of the fashionable shoes in my closet. I have […]


Tis the Season to Connect

Let’s be honest…this time of the year can be very stressful. Shopping, decorating, addressing greeting cards, hosting and attending parties, mailing gifts, studying for school finals, housing out of town family members and winding down your business for 2009 are all stressful activities. The fact that we’re expected to do them all simultaneously forces me…


Join the Conversation

It was one of those business trips where I was going to have to be on four planes and deliver the opening keynote for a conference all within 24 hours. In an effort to conserve energy, I hunkered down in the seat of my first flight, turned on my ipod, opened my computer and entered…


What’s Your Database Worth to You?

$948.00 was the annual dollar value of each person in your work email address book according to a recent IBM study published in the Winter Information Systems Conference in February 2009. In other words, this means that every contact in your database has the potential of making you at least $948.00!

Twitter Chatter

Unless you’ve just crawled out from under a rock, you have most likely heard about the new free micro-blogging sensation . Twitter is currently one of the fastest growing social network sites, just behind Facebook and MySpace with over 55 million visitors per month.

Social Capital…How Important Is It?

Think about a recent project, assignment or initiative you worked on over the past month. At some point you probably couldn’t find the information or resource you were looking for in the company knowledge database or on the internet so you picked up the phone, sent an email or got up and physically walked over…
