Three Ways to Map Your Future

Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. – Victor Hugo A story is told of an old map on display in the British Museum in London. It’s an old mariner’s chart, drawn in 1525, outlining the North American coastline and adjacent waters. The cartographer made some…


Four Traits of Courageous Leaders

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”  – Winston Churchill A story is told of Leonidas, King of Sparta, who was preparing to make a stand with his Greek troops against the Persian army in 480 B.C. when a Persian envoy…


Five Ways Leaders Lose Their Focus

The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear. – Brian Tracy Writing in Reader’s Digest, Carol Mann tells the story of golf immortal Arnold Palmer as he recalled an important lesson about self-confidence. It was the final hole of the 1961 Master’s tournament, and Palmer…


Five Priorities Every Leader Must Keep

When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. – Roy E. Disney A group of friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck. “Where’s Harry?” he was asked. “Harry had a spell…


Is Your Organization Engaged in Self-Sabotage?

Productivity is becoming more important every day. Fundamentally, it means doing much more with much less. And to be sure, there is scope for making, not only workers, but also the environment in which they work more efficient. You’ve probably noticed, for example, just how many organizations in both the public and private sectors waste…


Three Ways to Push Back Against Negative People

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up. – John C. Maxwell The noted English architect Sir Christopher Wren was supervising the construction of a magnificent cathedral in London. A journalist thought it would be interesting to interview some…


Five Habits of Remarkably Kind Leaders

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. – Emerson British statesman and financier Cecil Rhodes, whose fortune was used to endow the world-famous Rhodes Scholarships, was a stickler for correct dress, but apparently not at the expense of someone else’s feelings. A young man…


Five Questions Every Leader Must Answer About Change

Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable. – Denis Waitley The story is told of Karl Benz, who in 1866 drove his first automobile through the streets of Munich, Germany. He named his car the Mercedes Benz, after his daughter Mercedes. The machine angered the citizens, because it was noisy…


Leadership and the Art of Thinking

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. – General George S. Patton A story is told of a man who bought a new gadget- unassembled, of course, and after reading and rereading the instructions he couldn’t figure out how it went together. Finally, he sought the help of an old handyman who was…


4 Ways to Lead Complainers

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don’t go well. – Jim Rohn A story is told of a guide at Blarney Castle in Ireland who was explaining to some visitors that his job was not always as pleasant as it seemed. He told them about a group of…


5 Signs You Might Be a Bully

Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town. –  George Carlin In a Peanuts cartoon Lucy demanded that Linus change TV channels, threatening him with her fist if he didn’t. “What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?” asks Linus. “These five…


Four Keys to a ‘Yes Face’ Attitude

What you do when you don’t have to will determine what you’ll be when you can’t help it – William D. Hersey In his book, The Grace Awakening, Charles Swindoll tells a story about Thomas Jefferson and a group of companions who were travelling across country on horseback. They came to a river which had…
