What Not to Wear to Work

For me, a coach who specializes in executive communications, the topic of attire is like an unwelcome neighbor who keeps popping over. It’s a subject I’m not entirely comfortable talking about as it seems superficial and off-topic. (I’m a business coach not a style consultant, thank you very much.) But we all know it matters.…


The Power Of One Audacious Person

One of my favorite speaking topics is about the power of one person. One person, or a small group of likeminded individuals, can accomplish anything. Likely, they have more power than mega-organizations, due to their nimbleness and ambition.  One of the greatest impacts a conference can have on an organization is to unleash this type…


Why Appreciation Matters

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. – William James A story is told that Napoleon’s genius had been attributed to many things, but above all, he was a superb natural leader of men. Like any wise leader he was aware that his own success would have been nothing had…


Communicate to Connect

“Good communicators are open to my ideas. They respect me. They know who they are and what makes them ‘tick’ and they want to know the same about me. They foster my growth while attending to their own. They are proud of their accomplishments and of mine-for our mutual benefit.”  A Get Along seminar participant…


The Elephant in the Exit

A few weeks back Greg Smith published his letter of resignation from Goldman Sachs in the New York Times. There were those who applauded Mr. Smith’s call for human dignity in a professional world turned shark tank. Most of the reaction I encountered, however, spoke of sour grapes. Mr. Smith’s detractors cast him away as…


Understanding the Power of Competition

I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it. – Walt Disney Back when the telegraph was the fastest means of long-distance communication, there was a story about a young man who applied for a job as a Morse code operator. Answering an ad in…


Build a Culture of Trust

By Derek Murphy If there is one thing movies about the workplace tells us is that Hollywood believes bosses come in all shapes and sizes, and they are all pretty terrible people. Why the bad rep for leaders? Well, it’s no secret most employees have been disappointed and let down at some point in their…


Change Management & Communications ROI Study Highlights

Towers Watson recently published their 2011/2012 Change and Communication ROI Study Report. Unlike their four previous reports, which focused solely on communications ROI, in this study they expanded their inquiry to include change management. This study encompassed 604 organizations, six global regions, and more than eight industries, and provided new insight into the role that effective…


The 68 Percent And Why They Matter

The most pathetic person in the world is someone with sight, but has no vision. – Helen Keller Do you know and understand the vision of your organization? Better yet, do you understand the role you play in fulfilling that vision?  If your answer was no, you are not alone. In fact, sad to say,…


The Forgotten Role of Leadership

It’s been an interesting week in the world of NFL free agency. Peyton Manning was excused by his former employer prompting a recruiting frenzy for one of the industry’s top professionals. In the attempt to court this top performer to their organization the San Francisco 49ers and the Denver Broncos were forced to look at…


Stop Networking and Start NetWORTHing™

In our new social economy, your networth with your network is the only currency that matters.  In this short video clip, find out how to stop networking and start netWORTHing™ to grow your access and influence with your network to help you do your job faster, better and easier!

Vision Busters

Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly. – Winfred Newman As the story is told, about 350 years ago, a shipload of travelers landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town…
