
Great By Choice

The Great Jim Collins is at it again. The author of “Good to Great” and “Built to Last” has brought us another installment in his collection of business and leadership development owner’s manuals. In “Great by Choice”, Collins takes us through the development of ambition and its equated value to 10x Leadership. With the support…


Vision Busters

Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly. – Winfred Newman As the story is told, about 350 years ago, a shipload of travelers landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town…


Praise their Process Over their Competence

The name and work of Carol Dweck keeps coming up in discussions among experts in cognitive development. I wrote a review of her important book, MindSet. In it she talks about two fundamental mindsets in people (and, therefore, of course, in employees): Fixed and Growth. Someone with a Fixed mindset believes they can’t get any…


Embracing Managerial Training

I love data. I’m naturally drawn to articles that feature statistics, which is probably why I tend to quote them often. With that in mind, I found this encouraging stat the other day: A recent poll of about 100 corporate HR practitioners and leaders reveals that nearly all (98 percent) anticipate maintaining current levels or…