
42 Tips for Masterful Presentations

Here is a compilation from my presentation skills training workshops and one to one coaching sessions of what is involved in delivering an excellent presentation. Whether you are presenting at a staff meeting, conference, briefing, oral proposal or in a one to one meeting, the following are the keys to success. Practice… Practice … Practice…


The Best Teams Communicate in 3 Critical Ways

Research reported by Alex Pentland in the April issue of Harvard Business Review has revealed some interesting new information on effective teams. He and his group deployed “sociometric badges” in teams in 21 organizations. These devices are able to monitor on individual team members’ tone of voice, body language, frequency of initiating and responding, plus…


Employees Listen With Their Eyes

Whenever a leader is within the sightline of his or her employees, communication is occuring. What message is your face and body language communicating without you even having to open your mouth? Communication continues to be a problem for virtually every organization. You would think that after recognizing the problem for this long we would…


Negativity Invades Work Environments

When you walked into the office this morning was the general climate a positive or negative one?  It seems that when I speak with my friends and former co-workers that their work environments are increasingly toxic with negativity. Who is responsible for this onslaught of emotional crud?  Is it the leaders in the organization, the…