
Words To Lead By

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. –  Proverbs 18:21 A story is told about Casey Stengel, a longtime major league baseball manager who had such a unique way with words that it became known as “Stengelese.” He once said, “I’ve always heard…


Leadership Development: If Not Now; When?

Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better – Bill Bradley In a column for the Harvard Business Review Blog Network, (http://bit.ly/UDGyUE) Jack Zenger unveiled a startling and troubling fact; we wait too long to train leaders. Citing research from his consulting agency he revealed that in their database of some 17,000 worldwide leaders participating…


People Business 101

The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog – Frederick the Great Writing in The Book of Business Anecdotes, Peter Hay shares a story that back in the 1950’s, marketing whiz Stanley Arnold was working at Young & Rubicam, where he was asked to come up with a marketing campaign…