
Service-based Leadership

You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service that you are now being paid for. – Napoleon Hill In his book, Waking the American Dream, Don McCullough relates a story about Winston Churchill during World War II. England decided to…


How to Resolve Complaints

“As a speaker, trainer, coach and consultant helping companies and organizations to improve customer and workplace relationships one question I always get is, “What are some ways to deal with complaints?” The word “complaint” is loaded with negative connotations. But in fact, complaining does offer an opportunity to set things right. According to Sandra Crowe,…


Sitting Is The New Smoking

The above image is taken from a great infographic on Techcrunch. It’s message is simple: The more you sit, the worse you’ll feel.  Recent studies suggest that of all of our bad contemporary habits, sitting all day is a killer.  With the rise of the information age, more of us earn a living sitting down,…


Leading Through Barriers

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. – Christopher Reeve Sports Illustrated columnist Kostya Kennedy wrote a moving tribute recently in honor of Rachael Robinson, the widow of the late baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson. Now 93-years old, Rachael Robinson remains very…


How New (and Experienced) Managers Can Support the Change Process

Piggy-backing on a blog post by Morag Barrett on the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce site titled How to Avoid Mistakes New (and Experienced) Managers Make, we address the new manager’s role in supporting change within the organization. To clarify, by “new managers” we are referring to individual contributors who have recently been promoted into roles…


The Power Of One Audacious Person

One of my favorite speaking topics is about the power of one person. One person, or a small group of likeminded individuals, can accomplish anything. Likely, they have more power than mega-organizations, due to their nimbleness and ambition.  One of the greatest impacts a conference can have on an organization is to unleash this type…


Why Appreciation Matters

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. – William James A story is told that Napoleon’s genius had been attributed to many things, but above all, he was a superb natural leader of men. Like any wise leader he was aware that his own success would have been nothing had…


Communicate to Connect

“Good communicators are open to my ideas. They respect me. They know who they are and what makes them ‘tick’ and they want to know the same about me. They foster my growth while attending to their own. They are proud of their accomplishments and of mine-for our mutual benefit.”  A Get Along seminar participant…


The Elephant in the Exit

A few weeks back Greg Smith published his letter of resignation from Goldman Sachs in the New York Times. There were those who applauded Mr. Smith’s call for human dignity in a professional world turned shark tank. Most of the reaction I encountered, however, spoke of sour grapes. Mr. Smith’s detractors cast him away as…


Five Ways To Spot A Good Leader

For many of you, finding new leaders is an on-going challenge. In HR world, they call this the “bench-strength” issue and it can be a game changer.  As companies expand, new divisions are formed, requiring fresh leaders to guide them to effectiveness.  For startups, this is even more critical.  Pick the wrong one and you…


Change Management & Communications ROI Study Highlights

Towers Watson recently published their 2011/2012 Change and Communication ROI Study Report. Unlike their four previous reports, which focused solely on communications ROI, in this study they expanded their inquiry to include change management. This study encompassed 604 organizations, six global regions, and more than eight industries, and provided new insight into the role that effective…


Sports coaching vs the voodoo approach

Historically, trainers and coaches rely on the trickle down method of impacting an organization: train or coach the boss and then everyone who reports to that person will change their behavior and the organization will benefit. Or sometimes the opposite approach is taken – put the staff/employees through training, thinking that will change things, only…


The 68 Percent And Why They Matter

The most pathetic person in the world is someone with sight, but has no vision. – Helen Keller Do you know and understand the vision of your organization? Better yet, do you understand the role you play in fulfilling that vision?  If your answer was no, you are not alone. In fact, sad to say,…


The Value Of Friday Shout Outs

For leaders of all types, here’s an assignment: Hand out some praise today. Think about how long a weekend can be for someone who feels under appreciated or over worked. It’s emotional stew time, and you aren’t around to defend yourself.  When Monday rolls around, your team members are not refreshed.  They are back to…


10 Traits of Workplace Bullies

In my workshops and coaching focusing on improving customer and workplace relationships I find that one of the major issues of concern in companies and organizations is workplace bullying. To build a more positive, productive and profitable organization this issue must not be overlooked. Companies and organizations that dismiss or avoid confronting workplace bullying usually…


The Forgotten Role of Leadership

It’s been an interesting week in the world of NFL free agency. Peyton Manning was excused by his former employer prompting a recruiting frenzy for one of the industry’s top professionals. In the attempt to court this top performer to their organization the San Francisco 49ers and the Denver Broncos were forced to look at…